
Sit/Stand Desks – Are They Good Or Bad?

You have probably noticed over the last few years that the popularity of sitting/standing desks has really taken off. In fact, sales of standing desks have soared in recent years, and in many cases their sales have far outpaced those of conventional desks.You may have even read an article or two outlining the benefits of standing more. But is there...[ read more ]

What is That Pain in Your Neck?

If your childhood was like most people’s, your mom probably spent a good amount of time telling you to stop slouching. Well, it turns out your mom was very right to tell you that. When we sit up straight, we keep our entire spine in proper alignment. But when we slouch and hunch our shoulders, we mess with our posture...[ read more ]

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Howard Lane, LMHC
Counseling & Therapy
Miramar, FL 33027
(954) 850-2945

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